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At the present time , you may already be familiar with the online shop around us , even our own friends or relatives that may exist in the business is now booming discussed . Online shop itself is very easy to do , because it does not need people who have a background in IT , many of those who came from housewives , students , and the people who originally worked in an office , who uses the online shop as a side business .
However , as the development , every business must have a negative and positive impact , here I will try to find what are the positive and negative impacts , and the results I get the following :

1 . The positive impact of online shop :

Certainly more practical because we do not need to be tired and struggling through dense traffic especially in large cities . The possibility of lower prices was great , because the owner of the online shop does not have to pay the rental shop, store , etc. .
The price offered is diverse , so we can compare between the online shop online shop one with the other . Wide range of shopping , not only limited in the city , outside the city could even abroad. moreover , a lot of websites are devoted to buying and selling forum local , long distance , and international .

2 . The negative impact of online shop :

What often happens is a fraud , usually occurs when we look at the testimonials from previous buyers . Thus buyers please be - careful with fraud under the guise of online shop mode .
Not all prices in the online shop is cheaper than offline shop , especially stuff that is quite rare that we rarely see in stores offline or vice versa . Or because they feel crowded shoppers , shop online entrepreneurs seeking to raise prices for a greater profit . Since the range is very wide , we still have to send the postage is quite expensive depending on the type of package delivery we choose .
Highly dependent on natural conditions , as is usually the couriers passed through land, air or water for delivery . If bad weather such as flooding , high waves or strong winds , it is not possible the delivery will be late to the destination .
This online shop can lead to addiction which makes us to be extravagant . My advice is , buy the items you need, in order to avoid waste . Online shop can cause us to just focus on the importance of online shop without offline shop . Because , not all goods shop online is better than offline shop . Goods not to order , either because of the quality of photos that can change the result of the goods , or perhaps slammed errors such as courier , broke , and broken .
   That's what I can discuss it in this time , hopefully useful for all readers . My advice , be a smart buyer and think before buying because everything will be at your own risk . 

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